What Aviation Diversity

04 Jul 2024

Despite statements on diversity focus from airlines About 92 of pilots and flight engineers are white and 92 are men according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Black pilots and flight engineers grew from 2 7 in 2018 all the way to 3 6 in 2023 That's right all this angst for 1 Ain't no crashes to point to y'all don't even have diversity to point to I guess its not enough until it all white huh And here I am thinking you wanted the best regardless of skin color you just wanna feel all white By the way asian representation fell from 4 2 to 2 7 and Latinos rose from 6 8 to 10 7 The share of pilots and flight engineers who are women fell from 9 to 8 3 from 2018 to 2023 Here's my favorite fact though you remember that Boeing flight where the door came off that started this while round of disingenuous alpine tears The pilot who landed that plane was a woman candaceowens diversity genderequality

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