Boo Donald Baby political parody

09 Jul 2024

Here's another Trump parody, inspired by Linda Ronstadt's cover of "Ooh, Baby Baby" and Trump's recent appearance at the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, DC. Below are the lyrics...

Boo... la la la la
You did us wrong
You led us all astray...
Embarrassed us on a world scale
Every single day...
I'm chantin'

Booo Donald, baby
Booo Donald, baby

These days, you try to run again
But you're always in court
How are you to win?
I'm chantin'

Booo... Donald baby
Booo... Donald baby
Booo... Donald baby
Booo... Donald baby

Sane folks are all at the end of their ropes
But you won't stop tryin'
In spite of our "nopes"
'Cause you won't give up,
Leave politics alone...
Insisting you've been cheated
You seek to be enthroned...

So I'm chantin'
Booo... Donnie baby
Booo... Donnie baby
Booo... Donnie baby
Booo... Donnie baby

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